Our shop window displays are definitely working! We've lost count of the number of kids that come to an immediate stop when they see the latest toy or collectable on display. The sudden halt practically tripping their parents up in the process. However, as the tourist season grows, we've also noticed a bit of confusion from visitors when they come into the shop and are met with a wall of DVD's (as part of our movie rental business).
We've also built up a good supply of some great toy & collectable ranges, from LEGO to Moshi Monsters, Club Penguin to Gogo's - offering more of this kind of product range every week. As we're so close to the business it's taken us a little while to step back and look at our shop from a customers point of view. We've realised that our layout and flow around the shop hasn't really moved as we've made changes to the business...so it's been a busy time thinking about how we can improve things for everyone.
As a result we've spent the last few weeks looking into shelving, working out how we can display things in an easier way, and getting on with some general housekeeping in store. Last week we put our plan in to action and are pleased with the results.
We've had some troubles during our re-fit, including suddenly realising at almost midnight that we've mis-calculated the number of shelves needed, resulting in a mad-dash to the suppliers the next day for more. However, feedback on the changes has been really positive, in particular our customers loving how easy it is to see all we have to offer, and finding everything they want to hand, be it movies, games, toys, sweets or wine. The best moment though has been seeing our youngest customers manage to find exactly the right toy without getting drenched outside in the good old Scottish Summer weather!